Where’s My Money???!!!!!!

“Where’s my money?!” is the question we always ask ourselves 3 days before and after payday.

We know that we have a budget in mind and earned last payday but how come we don’t have enough money for the next 2-3 days?

We call this Petsa de Peligro.

In personal finance, the solution is what we call Cash Flow Management.

This article will discuss 3 Simple Steps in order to make sure that we won’t experience Petsa de Peligro again!

Continue reading “Where’s My Money?”

Our 20’s is the time when we YOLO (You Only Live Once)!

We earn and spend! We enjoy life not thinking about tomorrow!

And why should we? We are in our prime! We can always double our work and we have all the time.

But this is not always the case. What you do in your 20’s will dictate how you will live the rest of your life.

Below are the 5 Financial Checklist that you should have accomplished before you reach your 30’s: Continue reading “Accomplish this Financial Checklist before your 30’s”

We, Millennials, see money not as an end in itself but as a tool to buy experience and enjoy life.

We prioritize traveling and experiencing the world. Fighting for causes we believe in! and making this world a better place by following our passions and dreams.

But most often we forget that there are essential things we forget to prepare for such as retirement planning, critical illness coverage, and medium-long term savings.

This article will not talk about savings and investment but how do we build and manage a Play Fund so we won’t blow up our budget and be drowning in debt.

Continue reading “3 Steps on How to Build your PLAY FUND!”

Is Credit Card good or bad?

Others will say that it is good since you can buy things with rebate and pay in installments.

On the other hand, others say it’s evil because credit card is the reason why they are drowning in debt.

Continue reading “3 Ways to Use your Credit Card Wisely and Not Drown in Debt”

We always hear financial advisors saying to give up your favorite Frappe or Latte in order to achieve your financial goals.

Honestly, I was one of them until I realized that we work hard because we want to ENJOY and LIVE LIFE!

That is why I formulated this 5-step guide on how to achieve your Financial Goals without giving up your favorite frappe.

Continue reading “Achieve Your Financial Goals Without Giving Up Your Favorite Frappe”

There are a lot of questions in the market of which is better: Single Pay VUL or Mutual Fund/UITF?

My initial answer is this: IT DEPENDS on what is your objective.

At the end of this article, hopefully you can decide which is the better financial product for you.

Continue reading “Single Pay VUL or Mutual Fund/UITF?”

VUL stands for Variable Unit Linked or Variable Universal Life. It is a financial product that provides life insurance and an investment feature.

Continue reading “What is a VUL?”

Almost everyone wants to have a car.

Not only because it is more comfortable than commuting but it is also a status symbol saying that “I have arrived”.

But when is the best time to buy a car?

Continue reading “When is the Best Time to Buy a Car?”